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We would like to know you


Client Briefing Form

Welcome to our specialized questionnaire designed for clients exploring marketing opportunities in the Chinese market. Completing this questionnaire should take only 5-10 minutes of your time.


Please rest assured that all provided data is confidential and rigorously protected under global data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for Europe and comparable privacy legislation in the United States and other regions, ensuring your information is safeguarded worldwide.

1. Basic Information

2. Experience in the Chinese market

2.1a|Do you have experience with sales or marketing in China?
2.2|Do you have a presence in China?
Legal entity
2.3a|Has there been any marketing research of the China market for your brand?
2.3b|Do you have any Chinese marketing materials?
2.3c|Do you have any Chinese marketing presence?
2.4|Do you have any experience working with other agencies for China marketing?

3. Objectives of Chinese marketing

3.1|What are your objectives for engaging in marketing within the China market?
3.2|Monthly Budget
USD 500 ~1000
USD 1000 ~ 2000
USD 2000 ~ 3000
USD 3000 ~ 4000
USD 4000 ~ 5000
USD 5000 ~ 6000
USD 6000 ~ 7000
USD 7000 ~ 8000
USD 8000 ~ 9000
3.3|How many colleagues from your company will be supporting this Chinese marketing project?
3.4|Start Time
As soon as possible
Within the next month
In 1-3 Months
In 3-6 Months
In 6-12 Months
Unsure at this time
3.5|Required Marketing Solutions

4. Contact Information

4.2|Preferred method of communication
Experience in the Chinese market
Objectives of Chinese marketing
Contact Information
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