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Case Study


The leading manufacturer of aftermarket 4x4 Accessories 

Project Scopes:

WeChat Marketing Strategy
Brand Localization Strategy
Competitor Analysis

WeChat Content
Creative Design
Performance Management



Before the pandemic, the renowned Australian 4x4 accessories brand ARB had successfully entered the Chinese market through collaborations with dealers. However, challenges such as the difficulty in managing the sales network, market material shortages, and dealers operating independently led to a scattered and chaotic brand image in the Chinese market.

In order to achieve brand image integration and enhance brand awareness, ARB made a comprehensive decision to undergo transformation. To accomplish this strategic goal, they sought the brand localization services of HnE Consulting. Through collaboration with HnE, ARB aims to better adapt to the Chinese market, establish an integrated brand image, and lay a solid foundation for future development.


Firstly, we conducted one-on-one interviews with ARB headquarters personnel to conduct in-depth research on brand strategic initiatives, analyzing the brand situation comprehensively from brand to product to sales network. Subsequently, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of market practices of competitors, based on key insights from earlier phases, and clearly defined the online marketing strategy for the ARB brand in China. This strategy was chosen based on market objectives and budget considerations, selecting the optimal platform for brand localization.

In the first year, leveraging the usage habits of Chinese users, we positioned social media (WeChat) as the primary promotional platform:

  • Functionality: We transformed WeChat into a mobile version of a compact website, encompassing all functionalities such as brand pages, product pages, purchase channel pages, and support center (catalog downloads, service support, collaboration support).

  • Content: We collaboratively developed a content marketing plan with the headquarters, aligning with brand tone and catering to Chinese market habits. Content themes covered brand introductions, product presentations, industry news, current events, and engaging shares on various topics.

  • Design: Adhering to the brand tone and WeChat platform style, we optimized original materials through a second round of enhancements and employed dynamic layout designs with a focus on highlighting the high-end characteristics of the brand.

  • Effect Management: We aggregated data from all WeChat platform pages, including menu click rates, article reading counts, article like rates, follower engagement, and article publishing times. Monthly optimizations were made to the content, accompanied by new suggestions to promote the next phase of development.


Compared to projects with a similar budget (USD 1000 to USD 1500 per month), ARB has demonstrated excellent promotional results. Solely through WeChat content marketing (4 articles per month), we have achieved a remarkable 900% increase in follower engagement and a 150% monthly average growth in sales leads.


WeChat Followers


Retention rate


Conversion Rate

WeChat Content

WeChat content of ARB

Topic | Product

​MT64 New Product Launch

By employing creative interactive effects, we spark readers' interest and foster active engagement. Cleverly emphasizing key product features, using concise and reader-friendly copy, we intricately imprint these product characteristics into the user's psyche.

WeChat Marketing Strategy

case study of WeChat marketing strategy
case study of China marketing roadmap
case study of China marketing budget plan

Performance Management

Example of WeChat performance report
Example of WeChat performance report
Example of WeChat performance report
Example of WeChat performance report

CRM System

Example of WeChat CRM System

WeChat x CRM System

We seamlessly integrate the WeChat platform with the CRM system, making customer relationship management more convenient. This perfect integration not only enhances operational efficiency but also provides robust support for detailed user data analysis and precise formulation of marketing strategies for businesses.

Chinese marketing channel guidebooks
by HnE Experts

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HnE Expert Chrisdy Hu
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Chrisdy Hu

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