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Case Study


Central Boarding Academy, the  first and only study abroad program of middle and high school student offered on U.S. university campuses.

Project Scopes:

WeChat Marketing 

WeChat Influencer 

WeChat Community



Central Boarding Academy (CBA), a distinguished provider of early study abroad programs in the United States, specializes in catering to middle and high school students aspiring to enhance their prospects of gaining admission to prestigious American universities. Recognizing the vast potential in the Chinese market, CBA sought to leverage the platform of WeChat to connect with Chinese students and families, thus engaging our expertise.

CBA faced the challenge of effectively penetrating the cluttered digital space on WeChat, targeting a niche audience of students and parents interested in overseas education. The task was to create a compelling narrative that would not only introduce CBA's offerings but also facilitate meaningful interactions and build trust within the Chinese community.


To address these challenges, we embarked on a comprehensive revamp of CBA's WeChat presence, starting with restructuring the menu to intuitively guide users through program introductions, application procedures, and testimonials. We enhanced the platform's communicative capabilities, ensuring smooth one-on-one consultations, thereby fostering direct engagement and addressing inquiries promptly.


Furthermore, we proposed a collaboration strategy with influential WeChat bloggers (also known as KOLs, or Key Opinion Leaders) in the education sector. After meticulous selection, partnerships were established with two prominent accounts, leveraging their extensive reach and credibility to disseminate tailored content that underscored CBA's unique selling points and educational philosophy.


The execution of this tailored strategy led to notable achievements. CBA witnessed a substantial increase in brand awareness among its target audience in China, culminating in the collection of nearly 40 high-quality leads – prospective students expressing genuine interest in CBA's programs. More significantly, this initiative paved the way for the establishment of dedicated WeChat communities, bringing together like-minded students and families eager to explore U.S. educational opportunities. This not only fortified CBA's engagement strategy but also laid the groundwork for ongoing dialogue, content sharing, and eventual student recruitment. Ultimately, CBA's strategic foray into WeChat marketing marked a pivotal step in its journey to expand its footprint in the Chinese market, solidifying relationships and positioning itself as a trusted partner in the pursuit of higher education abroad.


Impression per campaign


Leads per Campaign


Cost of a Lead per Campaign

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